Sunday, October 14, 2007

Richly Scented Candles And Health

According to the National Candle Association in Washington D.C., candle sales have risen from $500 million in 1995 to $2.3 billion in 1999. Part of the new popularity of candles stems from an increased interest in aromatherapy and richly scented candles. Quality richly scented candles can be used in aromatherapy, which can help reduce stress and can increase levels of well-being. However, candle experts advise that consumers should exercise some caution when using candles. To maintain your health, always follow these tips:

1) Only buy quality candles. This is especially important, since cheap candles made with metal wicks have created dangerous levels of lead in some homes. Opt for natural candles created by quality manufacturers. Buy candles with pure paper or cotton wicks. Quality candles tend to be made with better quality ingredients which do not generate toxins. These candles tend to be safer and so are worth every penny. Master candle makers have been making quality scented candles safely for generations. It's the new companies producing discount products that tend to generate recalls.

2) Only buy richly scented candles if no one in your home has allergies. Heavy scents – especially heavy scents from cheap candles – can aggravate allergies. Some over-scented cheap candles can even trigger migraines. If in doubt, consider unscented candles or experiment with scented candles while keeping a close eye on any possible symptoms. Also, buy quality scented candles. Cheap scented candles can contain synthetic scents and perfumes that can aggravate anyone's sinuses.

3) Keep your home well-ventilated when burning candles. This will help ensure that you stay healthy. Good ventilation will also actually help distribute the scents of quality candles.

4) Buy candles from expert retailers who are knowledgeable about candles. These retailers have reputations to protect and often research the products they are selling. They also tend to focus on quality candles that have not been linked to any health problems.

5) Trim wicks to one-quarter inch and keep candles away from drafts. This allows for complete combustion and reduces the possibility of inefficient burning. Untrimmed wicks can also produce soot, so trim them regularly and look for quality, slow-burning candles that produce minimal soot.

6) Buy soy or pure beeswax candles. These emit less pollution and tend to have fewer additives, which means less toxins around you. Look for candles that are made from pure ingredients and have few or no additives.

7) Do some sleuthing when it comes to manufacturers. Avoid generic candles or candles made by manufacturers who don't specialize in candles. Look for manufacturers who have outstanding reputations – in many cases, these quality manufacturers have been making candles for many years with no health concerns whatsoever. Buy richly scented candles from these top manufacturers. Your health is easily worth the little bit of extra money.

There are many ways to make your richly scented candles an asset to your health, and not a detriment. Use these tips and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy and reduced stress in your home safely and effectively.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Can Richly Scented Candles Spice Up Love Life?

Beautiful, richly scented candles can certainly spice up your love life. If you have fallen into a bit of a rut, sparking some romance is as simple as lighting a beautiful – and beautifully-fragranced – candle. The secret is that most romances in need of a little boost are suffering from two things: familiarity and lack of time. A love life suffers when things routine and suffers even more when two people don't find enjoyable time to spend together.

It may seems strange, but richly scented candles are the ideal solution. Setting up a romantic date, complete with candles, shows your loved one that you want to spend special, romantic time together. A candle-lit evening is a signal to slow down and really reconnect. You may grab a quick bite together at lunch, but a candle-lit dinner is something else altogether – it is a moment to slow down, linger, and look into one another's eyes. This time spent together can certainly rekindle the spark.

Secondly, candle-lit moments are a way to break out of a rut. They signal that you are making a special effort to surprise and please your partner and that can get you out of a routine and into a passionate moment – fast. When you take the time to plan a special event and when you take the time to make sure that every detail is perfect – right down to sumptuous scented candles – you plan an ideal surprise that makes you seem more mysterious and alluring. Your partner is sure to appreciate the effort – and want to reciprocate! A fun evening surprise is also a nice way to reconnect and make things fun again.

There are lots of ways that richly scented candles can help you rekindle the spark. You may want to set up a special dinner. Place a group of 3 scented pillar candles of different sizes on a glass plate type of a holder. Place the candles in the center of the table, where they will illuminate the meal and your smile. You can even place some shells, glass beads, and sand around the candles on the plate. These create a lovely centerpiece and reflect the light even more.

If you don't want to go with the traditional candle-lit dinner, you can plan a special candle-lit bath. Place tiny tea lights or votive candles strategically around your bathroom, making sure that the flames are away from towels and other flammables. Place smooth stones or even sea shells around the candles for a peaceful, romantic mood. Fill up your bath tub high with foamy hot water, pour cool champagne into flutes and turn the lights out. If you opt for scented candles, you will enjoy an aromatherapy experience that is romantic. The warm water and bubbles will provide sensuality and the dim light can create a mysterious mood.

With the flickering glow of candles, you can rekindle your romance and infuse new passion into your relationship. Just remember to blow out your candles as you retire for the night.